Haar liefde gaat door de maag, elke maaltijd weer.
Ze doet een theelepel maizena bij de marinade, zodat de blokjes kip zacht blijven bij het roerbakken. Ze snijdt de asperges in precies gelijke stukjes, zodat ze alle tegelijk gaar zijn. Ze doet kleine roosjes in de broccolisoep voor de textuur.

Het is een strenge liefde: de broccoli mag niet te lang koken, want dan wordt hij vaal.
Iedere dag gaat ze naar het ziekenhuis toegerust met leven in warmhoudverpakking. Ze neemt schone kommetjes mee, bestek en een doos tissues. 's-Ochtends en 's-avonds voedt zij haar als een onwillig kind. Een hapje en nog een hapje.
Een kind met grijze haren, de haren die over zijn.
Het kind wil niet meer. Het speelkwartier is voorbij, en alle vriendjes zijn al uit. Het is moe, en heeft geen honger meer.
Als het kind 's-avonds gaat slapen keert zij verdrietig om, met de kommetjes, met het bestek, en met de doos tissues.
Zoveel liefde om te geven, maar waar zijn de hongerige monden naartoe?
Silent love
Her love passes through the stomach, every meal afresh.
She adds a teaspoon of cornstarch to the marinade to keep the diced chicken soft while sauteeing. She cuts the asparagus in slices all exactly equal, so they are all done at same time. Little florets of broccoli in the cream soup to improve its texture.
It is a strict love: the broccoli must be cooked briefly, or its color will fade.
Day in, day out she goes to the hospital equipped with thermally packaged life. She brings clean bowls, spoons and a box of tissues. In the morning and evening, she feeds her like a disobedient child. One spoonful and another spoonful.
A child with grey hairs, those hairs that are still left.
The child complains. Lunchbreak is over, and all its friends have already gone home. It is tired, and without appetite.
In the evening, after the child goes to sleep, she returns sad, carrying the bowls, the spoons and the box of tissues.
So much love to give, but where have the hungry mouths gone?
Amor silencioso
O amor dela vai pelo estômago, cada refeição de novo.
Ela adiciona uma colherzinha de maizena na marinada, para deixar os cubos de frango mole ao saltear. Ela fatia os asparagos em pedaços exatamente iguais, para ficar al dente ao mesmo tempo. Coloca florzinhas no creme de brócoli para melhorar a textura.
É um amor estrito: o brócoli não pode ferver demais, senão fica pálido.
Todo dia ela vai para o hospital equipada com vida em embalagem térmica. Com tigelas limpas, talher, e uma caixa de guardanapos. De manhã e de noite ela a alimenta como a uma criança rebelde. Uma colherzinha e mais uma colherzinha.
Uma criança com cabelos grisalhos, os cabelos que sobram.
A criança não quer mais. O intervalo passou, e todas amiguinhas já saíram. Ela cansou e está sem fome.
Quando a criança vai dormir de noite, ela volta tristonha, com as tigelas, com o talher, e com a caixa de guardanapos.
Tanto amor para dar, mas para onde foram as bocas famintas?
Iedere dag gaat ze naar het ziekenhuis toegerust met leven in warmhoudverpakking. Ze neemt schone kommetjes mee, bestek en een doos tissues. 's-Ochtends en 's-avonds voedt zij haar als een onwillig kind. Een hapje en nog een hapje.
Een kind met grijze haren, de haren die over zijn.
Het kind wil niet meer. Het speelkwartier is voorbij, en alle vriendjes zijn al uit. Het is moe, en heeft geen honger meer.
Als het kind 's-avonds gaat slapen keert zij verdrietig om, met de kommetjes, met het bestek, en met de doos tissues.
Zoveel liefde om te geven, maar waar zijn de hongerige monden naartoe?
Silent love
Her love passes through the stomach, every meal afresh.
She adds a teaspoon of cornstarch to the marinade to keep the diced chicken soft while sauteeing. She cuts the asparagus in slices all exactly equal, so they are all done at same time. Little florets of broccoli in the cream soup to improve its texture.
It is a strict love: the broccoli must be cooked briefly, or its color will fade.
Day in, day out she goes to the hospital equipped with thermally packaged life. She brings clean bowls, spoons and a box of tissues. In the morning and evening, she feeds her like a disobedient child. One spoonful and another spoonful.
A child with grey hairs, those hairs that are still left.
The child complains. Lunchbreak is over, and all its friends have already gone home. It is tired, and without appetite.
In the evening, after the child goes to sleep, she returns sad, carrying the bowls, the spoons and the box of tissues.
So much love to give, but where have the hungry mouths gone?
Amor silencioso
O amor dela vai pelo estômago, cada refeição de novo.
Ela adiciona uma colherzinha de maizena na marinada, para deixar os cubos de frango mole ao saltear. Ela fatia os asparagos em pedaços exatamente iguais, para ficar al dente ao mesmo tempo. Coloca florzinhas no creme de brócoli para melhorar a textura.
É um amor estrito: o brócoli não pode ferver demais, senão fica pálido.
Todo dia ela vai para o hospital equipada com vida em embalagem térmica. Com tigelas limpas, talher, e uma caixa de guardanapos. De manhã e de noite ela a alimenta como a uma criança rebelde. Uma colherzinha e mais uma colherzinha.
Uma criança com cabelos grisalhos, os cabelos que sobram.
A criança não quer mais. O intervalo passou, e todas amiguinhas já saíram. Ela cansou e está sem fome.
Quando a criança vai dormir de noite, ela volta tristonha, com as tigelas, com o talher, e com a caixa de guardanapos.
Tanto amor para dar, mas para onde foram as bocas famintas?